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Thursday 4 September 2014

Diodes and Its types

Diodes and Its types

What is Diode?

  " Diode is a semiconductor device it has two terminals . Diode has Unidirectional property it means it flow the current only in one direction And avoid the flow of current in other side"

What is semiconductor?

Semiconductor are those materiel in which energy gap between Conduction band d and valance band is about 5Mev it means it can pass flow of electron only in particular conditions


Doping is a process in which we add purines in a pure substance 

Construction of Diode:

 A diode is made by two type of materiel one is p type materiel and other is N type materiel
To make a diode we flow these steps
  1. We take a semiconductor materiel of silicon because is cheap and silicon is very effective.
  2. we doped one side of the silicon by pentavalent materiel to make n type materiel which have electron as majority carrier impurity is adding in very small quantity eg: one atom of impurity is adding in ten lac atom of silicon.
  3. after that we add trivalent impurities in the other part of silicon materiel to make p type which have electrons as majority carrier
  4. when p type and n type materiel are are joined then a pn juction is made between them  
  5. by these step diode  are made diode are made in industries

 Uses of diode: 

Diode is use for  multi purposes in the electronic industries .
Some of the uses are:
  • it is use to allow flow of the current uni direction in the circuit
  • it is use in full wave ratification.
  • it is used in half wave ratification .
  •  it is use in clipper to cut the wave in the circuits

Types of the Diode

 There different types are diodes are available in the markets some of them are:
  1. Light emitting diode
  2. Avalanche diode
  3. Zenger Diode
  4. Scohotty diode
  5. Laser diode
  6. Photo diode
  7. Vartactor diode 
  8. Rectifier diode
  9. Small signal diode
  10. Large signal diode
  11. Transient voltage suppression diodes
  12. Gold Doped diode
  13. Super barrier diode
  14. Point contact diode
  15. Peltier diode
  16. Gunn diode
  17. crystal diode
  18. silicon controlled rectifier
  19. Vacuum diode
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